Saturday, January 29, 2005

Whitney's last show was a lot of fun, despite numerous technical difficulties. Whitney broke his bass drum head, and had to have our friend Dave sit in front of the one he borrowed in order to keep it in place. Nick didn't have a conventional mic stand, but a human one was more fun anyway. Thanks to everyone who came out on a Monday night to rock out with us.

We're recording a new song some time this coming week. We should be ready to play shows by late March. We've got a couple of them lined up, but I don't know the exact dates right now. Sooooon. We still don't have a van, and our trailer is still stolen, so if you're going to ask us to play shows that are out of town, we're probably not going to be able to do it for a while still. It sucks, because all we really want to do is be able to go out on tour. Oh well. That's life.

Monday, January 17, 2005

A decision was made yesterday for Forstella Ford and drummer Whitney Teska to part ways. It was his decision, based on a fading interest in writing (more so than playing) the style of music we play. We respect the decision backwards and forwards and hold no hard feelings whatsoever. He lives with us still, so now he's just going to have to hear our annoyingly loud practices from upstairs.

We're teaming up with Ryan Smith (formerly of Coma Eternal), which is something we're all excited about. The plan remains to write an EP and record it for Level Plane. We're going to begin practicing with Ryan this week, which is when we'll figure out what's going on with any of the upcoming shows we had.

Sunday, January 02, 2005

So, some complete piece of shit decided that they wanted our trailer badly enough to cut the lock off of it and drive away with it. If you see someone with a black trailer that's got a replaced fender and is missing some lights, please drive up right next to the person with said trailer in tow and proceed to bludgeon them until they're nearly dead, then give us a call so we can have a word or two with them.

Anyway, we'll post some photos of the trailer (if we have any) and a better description, and if people could keep their eye out for it around Milwaukee somewhere, that'd be swell.